
I’m Sarek.

I currently work as an Applied Scientist in the S3 Automated Reasoning Group (S3-ARG), where I do Rust and model checking and stuff. It’s a lot of fun.

Before I joined S3-ARG, I did a pretty good Master’s thesis (best thesis I ever wrote, at least. It also won the Norwegian Computing Central best thesis award, which is really cool.). It is about a selection of SAT solvers which I wrote in Rust, and then verified with Creusot. The source code of the solvers is available in the CreuSAT repository.

I am interested in most things programming — especially those which have a “pain in brain” feeling. Previously that need has been satisfied by things like C and CUDA, and recently it has been satisfied by Rust and formal methods, which I believe I will remain interested in for the foreseeable future.

There is also some more information about me in my CV.

If you think I have written or said or done something stupid or smart or wrong, or you want to contact me for some other reason, then you can reach my by mail, or send me a message on the Rust Zulip.